Ear Hustle

EarHustle411 Talent Spotlight: Dancers Show Off Their Impressive Skills To Rihanna’s “B***h Betta have My Money”


EarHustle411 loves it when young people are channeling their energy in to creative things, some pour their talents into sports, some into the arts like drawing, poetry and our favorite which is dance.  We came across a video of what appeared to be either a dance school or dance rehearsal.  Well either way, EarHustle411 enjoyed what we saw.  In the video that has already garnered well over 9 Million views and what we saw was 7 minutes of true talent.  The dancers got their groove on to the tune of Rihanna’s “B***h Betta Have My Money” while in segments there was a variety of dancers, male to female and children as well as adults.

According to the credits in the video, this amazing choreographed routine by Tricia Miranda whose personal resume is quite impressive it deserves its own feature post but we’ll save that for another time, however in the meantime take a look at the dancers doing their thing

Looks like to me the dancers made it perfectly clear through their moves that they are not playing about their money.   So the the next time you want to send a nice reminder to someone that is “in your pocket” shoot them a link of this video and there will be no question as to what the intentions are…LOL!!!

EarHustle411 and the writing staff takes our hats off to the dancers and to Tricia Miranda…PHENOMENAL JOB!!

Source: YouTube

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