According to the Daily Mail, a two year old by the name of João Miguel has lost his battle with spinal muscular atrophy a very rare disease that is debilitating.
A fund was set up to help the child with treatment and other medical related fees. What happened next was deplorable.
The baby’s father Mateus Henrique Leroy Alves, 37 years old used the money for his personal drug habit and a string of prostitutes.
It’s reported that Alves spent $150,000 on designer clothes, watches, drugs, sex workers and alcohol, and was only located two months after his wife Karine Rodrigues reported him to the police.
The baby’s mother and father raised the money together to purchase the drug Spinraza which prevented the disease from advancing which they raised over $150K when their hometown staged a marathon.
The father told his wife he was going out of town for a security Guard position that he had to train for. The money was kept in several accounts which the father had access too.
The wife got suspicious when she started noticing large withdrawals and additional bank transfers. The case is currently pending while the father is claiming he was extorted.
Ear Hustle 411 will keep you posted once we get an update.