It’s graduation season and every student who burned the midnight oil studying is now going to be eager to join the workforce and hopefully utilizing their majors of study. Employers are looking to hire the best of the best but some bosses are revealing their concerns about what that actually looks like . There are 9 skills bosses are saying that graduates lack as they come out of the various institutions all bright-eyed and excited to get to work. According to the PayScale an online benefits and compensation company, they surveyed about sixty-four thousand employers and fourteen thousand graduates to gain a better understanding of what they were missing.

Photo Credit: AP
The list of 9 skills bosses say new graduates lack vary however a few are basic skills of which are required in nearly every position known to man. Take a look at the skill along with the percentage of managers who feel new graduates are lacking in a particular skill:
- Writing Proficiency – 44%
- Public Speaking – 39%
- Data Analysis – 36%
- Industry Specific Software – 34%
- Mathematics – 19%
- Design – 14%
- Coding/Computer Programming – 12%
- Foreign Language Proficiency – 11%
- SEO-SEM Marketing – 7%
Quite a few of these skills are necessary in all aspects of life such as writing skills and mathematics, it’s impossible to go through life not know how to write and use math effectively. Public speaking may not be necessary in all jobs however at some point employees will be required to speak in from of a group of people and being able to relay a message in a clear and concise manner could mean progress or destruction. All of the other listed skills are necessary considering we live in a society that functions on technology. And while companies do get SEO services, they still want their employees to have search engine optimization skills.
While the percentages of the various skills are not completely detrimental to the work force however it is a cause for concern for those in management to be confident in knowing they will have the best pick of the litter in on their staff and their chosen graduate will be able to do the job effectively.