International News

Orthodox Priest in Romania Allegedly Drowns Baby During Baptism

A six-week-old baby has passed away allegedly after being baptized by a Romanian Orthodox Priest. The baby suffered cardiac arrest and was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital and was pronounced dead a few hours later. The autopsy revealed liquid in his lungs.

This is not the first time the Orthodox Church has come under fire. In 2019, a mother stopped a priest after witnessing in horror the violent way the priest was putting her baby down in an attempt to baptize her child. The Mother stopped the priest right in his tracks.

According to prosecutors, a manslaughter case has been opened against the priest in the northeastern city of Suceava where investigations are pending.

Church spokesman Vasile Banescu suggested priests may consider pouring or sprinkling a few drops of water on the baby’s forehead instead of full immersion, However Archbishop Teodosie the church leader and traditionalist wing, insists that the ritual would not change and continue as usual.
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Photo Credit: AFP- Getty Images



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