TvOne host the hot show “R&B Diva Atlanta” which is taping its 3rd season. The show have R&B singers Syleena Johnson, Faith Evans, Monifiah, Nicci Gilbet, Angie Stone, KeKe Wyatt and LaTocha Scott.
The second season was very heated with rumors, lies, jealousy and deceit. Faith Evans left the show for person reasons and it was rumored that Nicci Gilbert may not be coming back as well. Well the singer decided to not return because she did not like how she was portrayed on the show
“I just realized that it really wasn’t a good look for me as a 43-year-old woman with a daughter that I’m trying to raise.”
Nicci had a 95% disapprove rate on the show and all the backlash was effecting her brand and her business. She is credited as the creator of the show and wanted to show Divas in a positive light.
“I actually wasn’t going to come back for season two because there were things that occurred that I wasn’t happy about.”
But Gilbert says, “I’m still getting a check as a producer, so please, tune into R&B Divas!”
Gilbert says that she is working on her own reality show to display that she is not the person that’s portrayed on R&B Divas. There are still talks of a tour but the not all the divas will be in attendance.
“It’s not because, oh, ‘nobody wanted to see it.’ There was just a really busy touring schedule in Atlanta. We do have a market, so the tour will happen, it will just be happening in March.”
I’ll have more of a hosting responsibility, but Faith Evans will be there, Keke Wyatt will take part, as will Kelly Price–but the other ladies aren’t on board.
We will see how all this plays out. Earhustle411 will keep you updated as the story develops
Read entire interview here: Madamenoire