Per Mademeniore, Ashley Reid was not pleased about the way her mother was being portrayed in the recent TLC biopic. She didn’t hesitate to took it a step further and actually made some pretty damning character attacks against the group members specifically Chilli, saying she wanted to fight her in the street. It seems her beef with Chilli goes beyond the alleged lies the biopic told about her mother. According to Ashley, Chilli had an affair with L.A. In an interview with Reid All About It Radio, which is hosted by L.A. Reid’s son Antonio Jr. and Ashley, she spilled all of the tea.
Per Madamenoire, If the name wasn’t enough of a tip off, there was so much instigating and self- promotion in this interview, that it’s very clear it’s all in the family. Ashley went in talking about how even though she’s educated she still plans to get in Chilli’s azz when she sees her on the street.
Ashley went on to say; Just because I’m educated, does not mean that I don’t know how to be tactless. I don’t know how to rip your f-cking a– open and I don’t know how to put hands on you. Just because you’re educated–fake sleep– and you grew up a certain way does not mean that you can’t go toe to toe with foolishness. It actually means that you have an upper hand on foolishness because you are forever talking down to somebody. I have no problem, going down to somebody’s level it’s the only way they are going to be able to understand me. Instead of me being my self, I would much rather come down to your level so that we can at least have an even conversation.
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