The mother who was arrested for her deviant “parenting plan” that involved giving birth to two children so she and her husband could rape them has been sentenced to 54 years in prison. Defense attorneys hoped for less time, arguing that Sarah Adleta was manipulated by her ex-husband, Jonathan Adleta, but after even Sarah’s own father begged for the maximum, Sarah was sentenced to two consecutive terms of 27 years. The judge said the case was “particularly egregious” and the crimes were the most “horrific” he had ever seen.
Per Sarah was arrested in Orlando, Florida after sending photos of herself naked and performing sex acts with her two young children. Her 4-year-old daughter was so traumatized by a lifetime of abuse from both of her parents that authorities say she had the developmental capabilities of an 18-month-old and displayed such out-of-control sexualized behavior that she had to be removed from a foster home.
Sarah testified that she married Jonathan, a Marine who was awarded a Purple Heart for his time in Afghanistan, despite the fact that he was already interested in “daddy daughter” sex and told her he wouldn’t marry her unless she agreed to his plan to commit incest on any children they had. She reportedly said she agreed to this because she was financially dependent on Jonathan and “loved” him.
After giving birth to two children, first a boy and then a girl, sexual abuse became part of their “parenting plan.”
After the couple divorced, Sarah reportedly kept allowing her ex-husband to abuse her daughter. He even reportedly abused the girl while spending the holidays with his new girlfriend, Samantha Bryant, and her 4-year-old daughter, whom he was also abusing. Bryant testified in this case and it is unclear if she is also facing charges, as she testified that she also abused her daughter at Jonathan’s behest.
Sarah begged for mercy from the judge, saying she was manipulated by her ex and will be “haunted” by her actions. Wow. She certainly values her own quality of life, despite not valuing that of her children at all. And how exactly does someone manipulate you into such egregious crimes? There is no amount of manipulation that would make most moms do what this woman did. What of the haunting memories her children will have?! Seems rather typical that she would be thinking of herself.
But even Sarah’s own father asked that she be given the max, pleading with the judge and saying, “Sarah, justice is needed.”
Since Sarah is 29, she will be 83 by the time she’s released if she serves her entire sentence.
Jonathan has also been found guilty and will be sentenced in December. He faces life, and judging by what Sarah got, he should be scared.
Ear Hustle 411 wants to know, do you think she got a fair sentence?