During New Year’s Eve, Madonna tweeted and posted a picture of her teenaged son holding a bottle of liquor which drew a lot of negative comments. She pretty much blew that off trying to explain herself.
Madonna has now posted a photo of her son Rocco Ritchie on Instagram Friday night with the caption, “No one messes with Dirty Soap! Mama said knock you out! #disni**a.” where she immediately took a lot of heat for it. Madonna promptly removed the racist comment from her page but the damage was already done.
Apparently her nick name for her son Rocco is Dirty Soap, as for the hashtag, she will have to explain that one.
Madonna had some outraged fans who took to the social network sites and had comments such as “MADONNA U NEED TO TAKE UR arthritis medicine instead of trying to be hip on the internet.”
After she removed the post she then replaced it with “Ok let me start this again. #get off of my d*ck haters!”
Madonna really needs to take a chill pill and grow up; trying to be young does not equate to being stupid.