Although the George Zimmerman trial ended in July, juror B-29, know known as Maddie, is still out here talking about the effect the trial had on her, her issues with George Zimmerman and more. However, this time around, she says that backlash from her decision to go with a not-guilty verdict has caused her to lose her nursing job, and inevitably made her struggle to pay her bills.
The mother of six says her family is about to be evicted from their home. Now, how this has anything to do with the trial (though maybe speaking openly on news shows over the last few months didn’t help), I’m still not sure, but she’s adamant it’s connected, and that’s why she had to sell her furniture, including her family’s dinner table (so they currently sit and eat on the floor). In an interview with Inside Edition, she opened up about her anger, saying she lost friends and her job because of her decisions during the trial and after. We have a preview of that sit-down courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel. Find out why she says, “My whole life has fallen apart.”
“Emotionally, physically, and mentally, I’m like so drained. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the case.
I got to hold the gun that killed this boy. I got to see pictures that I didn’t need to see.
I’ve had death threats where somebody wrote to me on Facebook and said that I’m going to feel the same pain as Trayvon Martin’s mom … meaning I’m going to lose my son. All this blame was put on me. No one’s looking at George Zimmerman. He’s the one who killed the child, they’re looking at me cause I could have done something. And I feel George Zimmerman should be the one to blame for this.”