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Financial Guru Lynn Richardson Takes Wealth, Women & Relationships Forum To Mega Fest In Dallas, TX


Financial Guru and author Lynn Richardson takes her sought after financial workshop to the infamous Mega Fest in Dallas, TX. Wealth, Women and Relationships is an amazing forum powered by MC Lyte’s Hip Hop Sisters Foundation and has had celebrity panelists bear their souls as it relates to their finances and the effect it has in their relationships.image

Celebrity couple Flex Alexander and his wife Shanice Wilson Alexander recently were featured as panelists in Los Angeles. The couple gave the forum attendees a transparent, honest and truthful look into their circumstances with their finances. Flex  said:

“I personally took it for granted that I would be “working” and as long as I had money I was set. Well when the jobs stopped coming, I kept spending”.

Lynn’s book “Living From Check To Monday” is the best book on getting your finances in order that we’ve read this far.  Lynn explains the 10-10-30-50 plan in a way that even a younglings can understand and implement it.

Dallas, Texas had better get ready because we know Lynn to bring a powerhouse panel and the absolute truth to make a person change their perspective about money right there on the spot. Lynn has a brutally honest delivery and when she brings it to the forefront we know it was a word given to her by God to share with his people.

Trust us when we say if Lynn says:

“If the purse costs more than what you can keep in it, you can’t afford it!!”

the lightbulb will eventually turn on.


Life is about being healthy that means physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. Women, Wealth and Relationships Forum has so much power and poise but also the potential to truly change lives for the better thus making other aspects of our lives easier to handle.

Mega fest will NEVER be the same after Lynn gets finished.

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