The platinum-selling pop group announced Saturday they are reuniting, with Aubrey O’ Day posting a new promo pic of the group on Instagram Saturday with the caption, “DANITY KANE is officially BACK! @danitykane #vmas2013 #Rage.”
Noticeably absent from the glam photo, in which the ladies strike fierce poses in all-black get-ups, is D. Woods, who won’t be returning for the reunion.
And while there’s no word yet on why D.Woods won’t be back, Dawn Richards, Aubrey, Shannon Bex and Aundrea Fimbres will be on hand to make an official announcement about the group’s reunion at the MTV Video Music Awards Sunday at 8:15 p.m. ET, according to the DK’s official website.
Rumors started to brew back in May that Danity Kane might reunite, after O’Day tweeted, “I got a proposition if you want it… #DanityKane,” along with a photo of the group.
Shannon, Dawn, Aundrea, and Aubrey were later caught on video that day meeting up for lunch.
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