A black man is sending a message to fellow black men. He says, “black men seem to be oblivious to why black women are so pissed off at them right now, He said black men went from F^@k the Police to she should have complied. He goes on to say, “You never hear ish like that from black women when black men are shot down in the streets.”
Right know we have a slew of black men saying it was her fault, she stupid, she deserved it but when black men get shot down, you don’t hear ish like that from black women but they don’t understand why they are pissed of at black men right now.
He says black men have developed cognitive dissonance and this is why black women are saying they are not about to keep fighting for black men. They constantly turn their backs when they are needed. Black women are constantly fighting for black men but they are not fighting for them.
The young man states that social media is full of a bunch of black men blaming this young lady for her own demise for fighting her oppressor. He list a group of black men all killed by the police and he said not once did you hear black women blame the black man for his own death.
He says It’s all over social media and claims, I know if I’m seeing all this mess I know you’re seeing it too. He said black women got out on the front line and fought for you black men.
He goes on to say black men will call black women Bitter, Angry, Emotional and Lesbian or any other names to discredit them. Black women are posting and sharing what black men are saying about them on social media and it’s not cool.
See what else he had to say: