Ear Hustle

Is Attorney General Eric Holder On A Political Quest In Ferguson, MO??

eric holder

Since the death of Michael Brown on August 9, the town of Ferguson, Missouri has been a simmering cauldron.

In response, Barack Obama dispatched his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to presumably calm nerves and restore order. But rather than mediating the situation, Holder – who is the chief law enforcement officer in America – added a painful mix of rage, racism, and hatred into an already ugly scene.

Holder recounted stories to the angry protestors to show that he understood their rage. He recalled being stopped for speeding in New Jersey, telling the assembled residents, “I remember how humiliating that was, and how angry I was, and the impact it had on me.”

He also expressed outrage about being stopped in Washington, D.C. on his way to a movie.

The Attorney General said, “At the time that he stopped me, I was a federal prosecutor. I wasn’t a kid. I was a federal prosecutor. I worked at the United States Department of Justice. So I’ve confronted this myself.”

From his comments, it’s safe to assume that Holder believes working for the federal government should place him above the law. What’s more, you can clearly see that he’s still dealing with rage from this incident all these years later.

However, the real outrage here is that the federal government rushed to the scene of a local riot and used it to gin up racial unrest nationwide.

The events in Ferguson led Andrew McCarthy, of the National Review, to ask: “Why has a federal civil-rights murder investigation arisen out of the tumult in a St. Louis exurb?” McCarthy concluded that there’s only one plausible reason: “Eric Holder is guilty of racial profiling.”

In fact, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this type of reverse racism before. Just think back to the Trayvon Martin case in Florida.

Thus, it’s not surprising that Eric Holder – who has obstructed investigations into the IRS scandal, the Fast and Furious gun-running scheme, the Black Panthers voter intimidation scandal, and numerous other cases of serious misconduct by top government officials – wants to throw the book at a young, white police officer named Darren Wilson.

It’s not even surprising that Holder dispatched no fewer than 50 FBI agents and forensic specialists to the scene of the crime in Ferguson, or that he’s sending the message that Barack Obama’s administration cares about certain crimes more than others.

Here’s the thing: During the months since the Trayvon Martin case, there have been hundreds of black-on-black murders. These crimes get no attention because they don’t feed into the political narrative that is important to Barack Obama and Eric Holder… the narrative that “America is racist.”

For his part, Holder remains convinced that he was pulled over for speeding and stopped on the way to the movies because he’s black. Get over it.

We’ve all been pulled over for speeding, and unlike Holder, white people don’t believe that working for the federal government should immediately exempt them from the law.

Source: Wall Street Daily


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