The married staffer reportedly shown in a video kissing U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister, R-Swartz, has been “taken off the payroll,” according to The News-Star. The move comes after a video surfaced Monday, reportedly showing McAllister, who is married, and his district scheduler Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, 33, locked in an embrace and kissing.
The video is dated Dec. 23, just a little more than a month after McAllister was elected to Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District and was sent to the Citizen by an anonymous source, according to the newspaper’s report.
The News-Star published a story Monday and quoted Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff, as saying that Peacock was taken off of the payroll during the past 24 hours.
McAllister on Monday also issued a statement asking for forgiveness for his shortcomings.