A group of black men joined forces in Compton California and surrounded a Motel that was full of young women being prostituted. Some of the men were dressed in suits while others were dressed in ordinary clothes.
As most of us know, prostitution is the oldest profession in the world but it’s one thing if the women are free willing and do it on their own but some of the pimps snatch young runaways off the streets and force them into this lifestyle.
The men’s Mantra is, “Stop Pimping our women, A nation can rise no higher than it’s a woman. You can hear one man say, “Stop pimping these girls, ” Do you understand me. You are going to stop pimping our girls”.
One man approaches the owner who pretends to not speak English; he then says you understand English when you take the green dollars.
That’s when the men threaten to shut the motel down.
Check out the video below: