Ear Hustle

USDA to allow U.S. to be overrun with contaminated chicken from China

The USDA has announced its intention to allow China-grown chicken meat to be imported into the USA. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that China is eligible to export processed, cooked chicken to the United States,” says an official announcement on the USDA website.

The announcement goes on to ridiculously claim that the USDA “has determined that China’s poultry processing inspection system is equivalent to that of the United States, and cooked chicken imported from China would be processed under equivalent conditions as in the United States.”

This statement holds about as much water as Obama’s claim that “you can keep your health plan if you like it.” It’s a lie, in other words, and everybody knows it.

USDA to destroy the domestic poultry industry by selling out to China

It’s also a disastrous policy. If put into action, it will not only further destroy the economic base of U.S. farmers and chicken growers, it will also wildly contaminate the chicken supply across the U.S. with China-grown chicken laced with arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium and toxic chemicals.

How do we know this? Because China is the most polluted industrial nation in the world, and it routinely and consistently produces the most heavily contaminated food products anywhere on the planet. It has already been caught killing babies with melamine in infant products, killing dogs with toxic dog treats, counterfeiting meat products and far worse. Natural News Forensic Food Lab tests have confirmed that food products produced in China are consistently the most polluted in the world.


We need to get toxic chemicals and heavy metals OUT of the U.S. food supply, not increase their prevalence in our foods. The FDA, after all, just recently pulled approval of the arsenic-based drug Roxarsone from agricultural use, finally eliminating one of the most prominent sources of toxic arsenic in commercial poultry. If the USDA turns arounds and opens up the U.S. food supply to China-grown chicken, we are all suddenly going to be inundated with cheap, contaminated chicken from China that will eventually bankrupt U.S. poultry producers who, believe it or not, actually produce cleaner chicken products.

USDA sticking head in the sand on food contamination epidemic

The problem with the USDA is that it pretends food is never contaminated with heavy metals. That’s why the USDA “organic” certification program utterly ignores the presence of mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead in organic foods. Any food can contain unlimited quantities of these toxic elements and still be certified “organic” under the USDA.

Will contaminated chicken produced in China also be certified organic and sold at retailers like Whole Foods even though it might contain deadly concentrations of mercury or lead? That’s the path the USDA sems to be laying out for America under its absurd “equivalence” policy.


And then there’s the animal welfare angle. Although poultry production in the USA is far from what most people would consider “humane,” the factory farming operations in China are nothing short of abhorrent. If you thought chickens were abused in domestic poultry operation, just wait until you see secret video one day of the disgusting and cruel chicken production operations in China.

You have to remember: China is a nation that has outlawed all religion, and with that has come the complete abandonment of any sense of wrong vs. right. China is a nation where the mistreatment of animals is not merely widespread but actually embraced by the culture. All across China, virtually all animals are assumed to have no feelings, no experience, no consciousness, no feelings of pain and so on. Thus, Chinese culture sees nothing wrong whatsoever with subjecting animals to extreme confinement or raising them under conditions that are outrageously cruel and painful to the animals.


Source: Info Wars

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