James Noble, best known for playing bumbling Gov. Eugene Gatling on ’80s sitcom Benson, died on Monday due to complications from a...
Another reality show is in the works and BET is going to be the home for a new show titled “Music Moguls”. ...
Looks as if things are on the up-swing for actress Raven-Symone. We saw her last week on Lee Daniels’ Empire, now the...
Considering that I am not an avid TV watcher, however when I do watch I mostly look at the food channels. I...
I remember when this young man came on the scene with the Disney program Even Stevens. What is amazing about this young...
Wow is all I can say, Earhustle411 had just wished this amazing actress a very happy birthday and God saw fit to...
A made-for-television movie focusing on Gabby Douglas’ years leading up to her gold-medal appearance at the London Olympics in 2012 debuts...
Bill Cosby is looking to bring some of that magic back to NBC, which has been going though a rough time with comedies....
Today the Screen Actors Guild released the nominations for the SAG awards. “12 Years A Slave” and “Breaking Bad” led the film and...
It seem like everyone is getting their own television show and Miami Heat star Dwanye Wade is no different. Wade’s issues...