The reality TV show Growing up Hip Hip showcases the lives of some of the industry’s youngest elite like Romeo Miller (Master...
A 37-year-old gay mom is set to spark controversy after she said she’d be disappointed if her six-year-old daughter wasn’t gay when...
A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years....
Soulja Boy’s girlfriend, Nia Riley, and their daughter, Kamyrn, were recently in a car accident. On Wednesday, the 24-year-old rapper, whose real...
This story is hard to believe but in this day and age anything is possible. We was earhustling around the internet and...
I am thoroughly convinced that there are some people who just should not be parents. Who does that?? Apparently getting their “freak...
Young Money’s youngest signee Reginae Carter stole the spotlight from her father when she accepted the award for Best Group at Sunday’s...
“America’s Next Top Model” star Eva Marcille can’t make her mind up — days after she accused her baby daddy of violently kicking down...
“Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Lil Scrappy says his daughter was left in tears Sunday afternoon … after a salon owner refused to...
The estranged wife of Raphael Brown — one of the members of the 90s R&B group Next — claims he viciously kicked her while...