Politics and all that it entails are often times focused on the wrong things for example, why would a person’s skin color be a determining factor to gain the support of people of another skin color whether they are Conservative or Liberal? The variances in opinions, race, creed, sexual orientation, religious preference and color is always going to be the “supposed” reason or factor in whether the support of something or someone that could benefit all nationalities could or could not happen. The thought is actually quite sickening however a group of scientists altered a photo of President Barack Obama and did a study to see how the changes affected the affect the outcome of whites support conservative politics.
Robb Willer and colleagues recently published, in a paper they put forth the possibility that racial bias may be at least in part what is drawing people to conservative movements like the Tea Party. (SSRN)
Take a look at the results:
How interesting is this? It’s not surprising though because for whatever reason close-minded people who think and feel this way are truly missing out. Black people are very ingenious, creative and innovative beings there is. When it comes to serving people, they do a phenomenal job. People only discuss the negatives that the see and hear about blacks as if other races don’t have their fair share of bad apples. If blacks are given the chance they can really make moves and changes that will benefit all people. We are all part of one race and that’s the HUMAN RACE!! Just something to think about for those who are not likely to give their support.