Life is full of questions: Where are we going? How do we get there? Who will guide us? Experience has taught us there’s really only one person we can fully trust for those answers: POTUS, Red Redding, and the voice of God himself, Morgan Freeman. And now he’s ready to firmly-but-gently give us the advice we so desperately need – as a GPS navigation voice.
Freeman is the latest celebrity voice to be added to Google’s free navigation app, Waze. So now you can rely on Freeman’s dulcet tones to explain that you need to make a left turn in half a mile to get to Starbucks.
Of course, Google isn’t just paying Freeman who-knows-what to create some joy in our drive-time lives. The voice feature is a marketing tie-in for Freeman’s upcoming film, London Has Fallen (the sequel toOlympus Has Fallen). Freeman plays the vice president in that movie, and he addresses you, the driver, as if you’re the president, which is a bit odd – sort of like non-sexy commuter roleplay with Morgan Freeman. Also, writing about this subject gives us a chance to revisit one of EW’s most popular videos of all time: Morgan Freeman on helium.
Source: Time