Here we go again!! Another racist outburst because of who know why, a man went on a racist tangent against 2 African-American workers in a Dallas, Texas Target. The reason was unknown but when the man begin to yell and scream calling the workers racial slurs, of course out came the cell phones. According to reports some customers came to the aid of the women but the belligerent customer continued to spew racist comments at them also. People like this need to be in their own space on the other side of the far moon of Naboo somewhere,they don’t deserve to be amongst the regular folk because clearly this guy does not get it!!
Read more as reported by CW 33:
Several people pulled out their phones and started recording when a man started yelling racial slurs at Target employees.
DiEma Hicks and Christin Smith said they were paying at Target when they heard a man cursing at some employees in customer service after he told them to “give him his stuff.”
“Once we heard the ‘n-word’ and this guy raging out loud, the store pauses. It’s complete silence, and everyone is getting their phones out,” said Smith.
Hicks said she pulled out her phone because she wanted to show the world these types of confrontation are still happening in 2016.
When a woman, who Hicks said appeared to be a manager asked the man to leave, he started yelling racial slurs towards her.
“She was telling him ‘you can call me whatever you like, but you just need to leave my store’ because it was causing a scene,” said Hicks.
Hicks believes the employees handled themselves very well considering the situation and commends the manager for keeping her composure.
Two other white men defended the woman, but the man yelled racial slurs towards them as well.
The Facebook post had been seen more than 50,000 times in one day.
Smith said she was afraid, especially since her one year-old son was with her. They did not know “what his actions would be if you walked past him because he was in such a rage.”
Target sent NewsFix a statement that reads:
“At Target, we have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or discrimination in any form. We have extensive policies, procedures, and training in place to help ensure an environment where all guests and team members feel welcome, valued and respected.
As soon as this matter was brought to our attention, we immediately contacted local law enforcement. Please reach out to them with any additional questions.”
Smith has a message for her children about rants like this one, and Hicks believes more could have been done.
Here is what they had to say:
Source: CW 33