Milwaukee, WI-Shocking video from the George Webb restaurant near 21st and Mitchell, shows a man go behind the counter and punch a female employee in the face. The attack occurred in Alderman Bob Donovan’s district around 1 a.m. last Thursday, July 28. He says it could have been much worse had another employee not been armed.
Seconds after the customer followed a George Webb employee into the restaurant’s kitchen, surveillance footage captured him punching another employee standing at the stove.
“It is sickening to see this unsuspecting worker assaulted so brutally by this individual,” Donovan said. “For a man to do that to some innocent woman, it’s just beyond me.”
Alderman Donovan says he was sickened when the victim first showed him the video. While she’s too scared to speak out publicly, the 26-year-old woman says the man — who is a regular — had been cursing at the server earlier in the night for taking too long with his order. He demanded his money back and when the server refused, he snapped. The victim was caught in the crossfire.
“An individual capable of this kind of behavior is a threat to all of us,” Donovan said.
The suspect didn’t stop there; he continued to move in on the server. Without hesitating, another waitress pulled out a handgun from her waistband and pointed it at the man until he finally backed away.
“I thank God the other waitress had a concealed carry weapon, has a permit… I shudder to think, had she not been there and had she not had this weapon, what this guy might have done,” said Donovan.
While the suspect remains on the run, Milwaukee police know who they’re looking for.
For Donovan, it isn’t enough; calling the incident a symptom of a larger crime problem plaguing Milwaukee’s neighborhoods.
“We need to wake up this community and they need to start expecting of their public officials a better level of safety,” said Donovan.
The victim is already back at work. She says the owner of the restaurant does allow employees to carry a concealed weapon as long as they have a permit. Meanwhile, Donovan is urging anyone with information on the suspect to call police at 414-935-7360.
Source: Fox 6 Now