Per Madamenoire’s Exclusive interview, Last week, Momma Dee had the Internet buzzing with rumors that she is romantically involved with Brian McKee, the estranged husband of “Hollywood Exes” star Drea Kelly. We recently had the opportunity to chat with the outspoken “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” star and she had quite a bit to say. For one, she confirmed that she and Brian are definitely involved. However, as well all know from watching the VH1 series, she has never been a woman of few words. In addition to confirming her relationship with Brian, who she actually says is in his 40s and only five years younger than her, she also spoke on his marriage to Drea and dropped the bomb on some mess that’s going on behind the scenes with Scrappy and his ex-fiancée, Erica.
MN: Momma Dee,what is up with you and Brian McKee? Is it a strictly business relationship or is it romantic?
“We have both. We are seeing each other, but we’re friends first. You can’t claim somebody without being friends, so you’ve got to get to know one another. I found out that in dating, women tend to sleep with these men. We’re very emotional creatures. We give up our punanies and feel like that man is supposed to be ours.
But if you’re still dating him—dating means getting to know one another. If you jump that process and it doesn’t turn out the way that you want it to turn out, then people will get salty. You know what I mean? They get salty.
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MN: You said that your relationship is both business and personal, can you tell me about the business projects that you two are working on?
“Um, you’ll see.”
MN: Are you concerned about the allegations that are currently floating around about him?
“I got his back. I’m not going to let anyone say anything negative about him. It was put out there that he was out for money and that he used certain people for money. That’s not true. As a matter of fact, they were married an entire year prior to him coming on. So how he gonna use her for money when they asked him to come on the show?”
“I’m a ride or die b—- and we’re going to ride it out together—me and him.”
MN: You once said that out of all of the girls Scrappy has dated, Bambi was your favorite.“All of them sweet. Shay is a sweet girl, she’s very respectful. Erica, I respect her as my granddaughter’s mother. I tried to apologize to her [on Thursday’s nights episode] for any wrong that I’ve done to her. Do you know that b—h came for me at the reunion? She came for me, baby. I had to lay that b—h to rest and I did. Scrappy left the set two hours early on the second day. And I guess she felt that I was the weaker link and because Scrappy wasn’t there, she could come for me. No, boo Scrappy is the weakest link because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t still be f—ing you behind Bambi’s back! When I tell you, this reunion. I can’t! It’s a shake-up in the palace! It’s okay because all the kings horses and all the kings men won’t be able to put somebody back together again if they don’t straighten up. When I tell you it goes on and on and on!”