Awwwww right Empire fans!! The news everyone has been waiting on is here…Jussie Smollett aka Jamal Lyons will be returning to Empire for Season 3. Jussie posted a tweet on Twitter after last week’s episode where had had been shot sating that he enjoyed his time on Empire and it was time to make some music and movies. Well of course he will go on to do that at some point but right now it not that time. Check out Jussie’s Instagram post about the situation:
Listen 2 my words…I’ll see y’all season 3. @gabby3shabby #IAintGoingNoWhere #IAintNoDumbHo #StillIRise #EmpireFinale #empire #PettyNiccasUnite
See this Instagram video by @jussiesmollett * 61.4k likes
Fans of Empire had a complete conniption fit about the tweet last week. Well folks you may now rest easy because Jussie ain’t going anywhere. So get prepared for Season 3 to be even more wicked with the drama of the Lyons family and Empire.