
Former President Barrack Obama Is Called For Jury Duty In Illinois


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Former President, Barrack Obama has been called to fulfill his obligation for possible jury duty.  He is now a regular citizen but of course, with multiple perks; he may now have to potentially sit in a sequestered room and decide a case.

Although he currently lives in Washington, He still maintains a home on the South Side of Chicago.  This will be interesting if he’s selected considering he does have a Harvard Law School Degree and was a former President of the United States.

Can you imagine what that jury room would look like and how the other potential jurors will react to seeing him? They more than likely will not use their own capacity and rely on his decision because of course, he is one bad azz dude.

We know, Barack Obama is not the first president to receive a notification for jury duty.  In 2015, former President Bush Jr. had to report for jury duty in Dallas courthouse. Although Bush was not selected, he sat patiently through the process and posed for photos with other potential jurors.

Ear Hustle 411 will keep you posted if our former Potus Obama is selected.


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