The parents of the first grader said he was beaten by five students on a school bus, allegedly while they made references to Muslims and the boy’s Pakistani heritage.
Abdul Usmani’s father, Dr. Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, told BuzzFeed News that his wife and three sons have left the US for Pakistan after this latest incident in a long history of discrimination towards his children and family.
“These are six and seven year old kids calling him names, with one kid punching him in the face, while two other kids attacked him, kicked him, and held his arms back,” Usmani said of his son.
He described his son “as American as you can get.”
“They keep beating him all the way from school to home on the bus,” Usmani said of the ride home from Weatherstone Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, last Friday.
Abdul is traumatized by the attack and has a sprained arm.
Lisa Luten, a spokesperson for the Wake County Public School System, said that the principal of the school immediately began investigating the alleged incident after the family told them about it.
Speaking about allegation of discrimination based on religion or race, Luten said, “When [the family] originally shared the information, they didn’t share any info about religion or race, and just that their child was bullied.”
Usmani said his family will stay in Pakistan until after the election to see if Donald Trump is elected to determine if his family feels safe enough to return.
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the group wants the school system to do an investigation and determine whether police should get involved.