Ear Hustle

Female RTA Passenger That Received Uppercut Heard Around The World Was Sentenced to 30 Days In Jail

Female RTA Passenger That Received Uppercut Was Sentenced to 30 Days In Jail


Remember the young lady 25 year-old Shidea Lane who spit on and attacked an RTA Bus Drive who then received the uppercut that was heard around the world? Many people debated that the bus driver was wrong for hitting her and tossing her off the bus however there were an equal amount that felt she got what she deserved.

Shidea Lane then hired an attorney to sue the bus driver Artis Hughes for the incident she created.   Shidea appeared in front of a judge to answer to assault charges and brought her little daughter with her to court.

One would assume she was looking for sympathy of some sort however She was eventually sentenced to 30 days in jail, a fine and two years’ probation. The bus driver was fired because he did not follow protocol.

Hughes was hired on August 17, 1988 and terminated on November 5, 2012 after his bout with Lane. His 24 year job history, seniority, medical benefits and continued investment in a lucrative public employee pension came to a hault all because of $2.25 unpaid fare.

Video of Uppercut:

Watch Video of Sentencing:


Video Source:  Youtube




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