EarHustle411 is dedicated to supporting local artist and giving them a platform where they can express and be themselves. We recently has the pleasure of attending a listening party of one of Chicago’s own who’s been making quite a bit of noise with his chosen craft.
We were enjoying the festivities hosted by radio personality Kendra G of the Morning Riot on WGCI 107.5FM and several friends, family and associates of the artist A.M. Early Morning who spoke with Media Correspondent SunShyne, where they had an in-depth conversation about his latest project and got to know each other.
EarHustle411: Hello Sir!! It’s nice to meet you!! Let’s get this party started!! Your artist name is unique and we are sure there’s a story behind it. How did you come up with the name A.M. Early Morning?
AM Early Morning: It’s nice to meet you as well and thank you for your time.
I get asked that question all the time!!! You know when I was younger I was always up and active my mom was a nighttime worker for the post office. So I was always up and always around. Ready to go to school and ready to do something whatever that may be. So that’s how I got the name A.M. Early Morning
EH411: That’s an interesting twist to how you came up with your name, we like it and we hope that it’s uniqueness works well or you.
What was the concept behind your signature track Machine Gun Funk?
AM: A lot of my music comes from the feel of the producer and whomever I’m working a record with. The producer IL Brown, I m working with and he subsequently did the whole project and really the process with me doing any song has to do with the few of the beat and I will brainstorm a name or come up with a name. Sometimes the engineer will name a beat after what it sounds like or what it reminds them of. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t but I believe I have a good feel of what the producer is trying to covey or being out of a project. He kind of brought the name up and the rest was magic!!
EH411: If you has an opportunity to work with anyone living or deceased who would that be?
AM: That’s a good one, I would have to take it back and say Bob Marley. some legendary as opposed to a “living” legend. I like to gain the history behind the music, anybody can say Jay Z or Nas but with Reggae most people don’t understand that the genres a big influence on hip hop music and the culture.
EH411: It’s funny you chose Reggae, so that beings me to my next question. How would you define your music and it’s style? If you could give it a definition what would that be?
AM: If I could give it a definition, it would be spiky lyrics with today’s current content and what i mean by that is it’s got that old 90s style but it’s talking about things that happening today. Situations that are happening within the community you know with fashion and all aspects of life.
EH411: So let’s talk about your influences, who influences A.M. Early Morning whether from childhood to your teen years and as an adult?
AM: I listened to a lot of Kenny G, The O’Jays and just old school music Motown things like that. My father was a Vietnam veteran and Motown music was his thing but my mom was 10 years younger than him so she kinda brought the pop and R&B into the scenario. So there’s a huge range of music that I was listening to as a child.
EH411: What was the feeling you had when you opened up for Method Man and Redman at Portage Theater?
AM: OMG!! That was amazing!! it was a great turnout. Quick story about that, I was actually supposed to be the first act of the show, there were two other artist to go on after me and one of them just came out and said it he has “butterflies” and didn’t want to go on later so he took it upon himself to take my spot. The other artist i was a good friend with and he said since I had been putting so much work this year he wanted me to take his spot. So I went from being the first to being the last performer to go on before the headliners. So instead of me performing in front of 400 people in the crowd to about 1800. It was a pretty good experience. I always tell people my favorite part of the business is the performances because you can only grasp so much just listening to my record without visually seeing my face.
EH411 Well a little birdie told us that you performed with Twista, tell us a little about that experience.
AM: That event was all about the youth for me and communicating with them and picking the brains of the younger generation simply because the music has always been something that speaks out and the voices speak to you and you hear it and then one can relate to it.
EH411: Your first project Late Night; Early Morning back in 2013 tell us about that?
AM: To be honest, it was a project to take me out of my element of being in the streets. For a part of my life i wasn’t going tin the best direction. i isn’t going the best route. I was like let’s just see how this rolls, it took me about 7-8 months and it was a real secretive project only about 2-3 people knew about it at the time. I finished the project or what I thought was finished and sent it to a couple good friends. One friend named Quayvo Shots and he was like if it’s not good I’m gonna clown you. But he listened and he was like man “i didn’t know this is what you were into. So he liked it and then another liked it and then I’m doing my first show . Things just evolved from there.
If you were to ask me now after doing that project did I think I was going to rap, I’d probably tell you no. I am my worst critic and once getting the feedback from other people gave me confidence. Im from both sides, I lived on Western & Taylor but went to school in the suburbs. So i was kinda getting caught up in the city life, problems with my friends and all types of things to where it was I didn’t think i was good at rapping I just didn’t see myself going into that profession. It did get me out of the negativity that I was getting myself into at the time.
When I first started I was super hard-headed and figured I could drop music when i wanted.
The new project I have coming out is the Maxi Single Project 2 and there will be a listen party on November 9th and I am super excited about it.
EH411: We are as well and cant wait to attend the festivities. If you could take a look back at your life now, what would you tell your “then” self?
AM: I would tell myself to just stay strong and there’s always gonna be bumps in the road and a light at the end of the tunnel. When you’re young you’re going through a bunch of stuff but when you get older you’ll be smarter. Because if you bump your head in one place and if you come across that path again you’re gonna know to get out the way. That what i’d tell myself for sure.
EH411: What’s your favorite color?
AM: Blue is my favorite color
EH411: Where is your favorite vacation spot?
AM: Wow, I’ve been there already. I’d say Amsterdam. I went when I was 21
EH411: If I gave you a rose with 6 petals what name would you give each petal?
AM: Maria, Mary Ann, Blaze Matthews, Marissa Slaughter, Velice Jones, Trina Morosco
EH411: If you could make a phone call to God and have a conversation, what would ask Him?
AM: Man!! That’s a good one!! In my life there’s so many chapters and I’ve learned from them a lot one thing I’d ask is to give mercy on may mom. She has multiple melanoma and I’d ask if my Grandma was okay, that’s Mary Ann (one of my 6 rose petals) and pretty just to call and say thank you whether it’s positive or negative the things that I’ve went through. I’m here and living life. Yeah…That’s probably what the conversation consist of just thank you for putting me here on this earth between all the good and the bad.
EH411: Where can the new project be purchased?
AM: Right now it can be purchased on iTunes.
Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to speak with EarHustle411 and we wish you nothing but the best. You are a celebrity in your own right, we see that for you.