Ear Hustle

More Denials About Iraq And Torture From VP Dick Cheney In Recent Speech

As if the country already did not know that the government was lying about Iraq and the torture going on.  This is why the citizens of the United States need to be very careful who they put in office because they end up with some of the most ignorant, self-absorbed and uncaring “representatives.” What is truly sad and utterly disgusting about this admission is that NOTHING will be done about it.  Prior to President Obama, the Bush Administration was worst 8 years this country has ever seen.  Some would say that the Reagan Administration was fantastic compared to Bush.  In my opinion that entire administration were a bunch of buffoons

Check out more on this story as reported by the Huffington Post:


Dick Cheney On Torture: ‘If I Would Have To Do It All Over Again, I Would’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney revealed he has no regrets about the Bush administration’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding, telling a crowd at American University in Washington, D.C. he would “do it all over again.”

“If I would have to do it all over again, I would,” Cheney said, according to American’s student newspaper The Eagle. “The results speak for themselves.”

Cheney denied that waterboarding — an interrogation technique that simulates the experience of drowning as large quantities of water are poured over a person’s nose and mouth — is torture, and said accusations that he’s a war criminal for using torture are “not true.”

“Some people called it torture. It wasn’t torture,” Cheney told ATV, American University’s television station.

Cheney’s speech was hosted by the Kennedy Political Union at AU and was sold out.

Read more on Cheney’s speech at The Eagle.

This is truly a shame that the previous administration is not going to be held accountable for their shady shenanigans for the war in Iraq.  Our young men and women gave their lives and Cheney and the pieces of crap people he worked with are getting away with crimes scott free all in the name of democracy.  I’m fine with fighting for equal rights for people but when things are done at the expense of other people is where I draw the line.  I am glad that some of the students at the event walked out.  Nobody wants to hear the blatant lies from the previous administration and their smug, arrogant attitude about it. Unfortunately our justice system will not go backwards give the American People justice.  Like my grandma used to tell me “sweep around your own backdoor before you try to sweep around mine!!”

Source: Huffington Post


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